Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Quick Look at VOIP

VOIP, as we all know, is voice over internet protocol. The non-technical explanation of this is that it allows broadband internet users to make and receive phone calls through the internet or to talk via a computer to another computer across the planet. The voice quality is usually like making a regular local phone call. You may or may not need additional hardware for this setup.

The advantage of VOIP against a landline is that the amount you pay for long distance calls. Some VOIP providers give you the liberty of choosing your own phone number, which is an advantage because when you move on different parts of the world, you get to keep the same number and your family and customers won’t have a hard time contacting you.

Many multinational companies have also adapted the use of this technology for establishing contact centers in different parts of the world. A US customer can call the company’s tollfree number, and the call would be routed to somewhere in the Philippines. The US company saves money with this set-up and at the same time give jobs to millions of people around the globe.

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